Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi


All students and guardians come under the school rules from the time they join the school  till the day they leave it. The school aims at providing an all-round education and trains students intellectually, morally, spiritually and physically so as to inculcate in them the right principles of conduct and the right attitude in life, thereby enabling them to become loyal and dutiful citizens of our nation.

Parents are not permitted to enter in to correspondence with other members of the staff.
The principal can, in the interests of the school ask a parent to remove a student, at / or previous to the end of the current term, should the student's conduct, bhehaviour or influence, in the school's opinion, be in any way detrimental to the principles of the school, or should she / he seem unable or unwilling to profit by educational advantages to school offers.
Absence/ Leave/ Late Arrival in School
90% attendance of the students is compulsory. Pupils who have been absent from class must have sufficient reasons for their absence briefly noted in their ‘Regularity record” of School Diary. Reasons of a private nature may be intimated by letter. Absence from school for self study is never encouraged. No long leave of absence is given without a previous application in writing from the parent / guardian. It is mandatory for the pupils to remain present on the first and last day of each term. 
Students are to maintain proper school uniform code strictly as per Uniform Norm. Students without proper uniform are not allowed to attend the school. Clean vests and under garments are expected to be worn.
Withdrawal & Cancellation 
Re-admission is not guaranteed. It is the sole discretion of the Head of the Institution. In the case of a student not returning for the new academic year, notice of withdrawals must be given by the 2nd week of January, failing which three months’ tuition fees will be charged. Parents get transfer during the session, will not be under this rule.